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The Current Sermon Series
Sunday Worship Times
8:30 a.m. Outdoor Chapel
10 a.m. Modern Service
Sermon Title: "Great is Thy Faithfulness"
Sermon Text: Lamentations 3:22-23
Don't forget that your name tags are appreciated.
All of our Services are live-streamed
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For Prayer Requests go to:
The Current newsletter is up on the website at
Church Outreach Event: On July 29th We will do an Outreach Event at Rodeo Meet at Church at 7:45 a.m. so we can coordinate handing out water bottles. What we need is cases of water to place our logo and connection info on. Bring the water this Sunday so we can put those together following worship.
Sunday Bible Study for All People meets at 11 a.m. Pastor Matt is leading a Bible Study utilizing the Curriculum Adult Bible Studies Summer 2023 which you can find it on Amazon We will gather work through the lesson and be done by noon. If you have questions, please email Pastor Matt at
Men’s Luncheon Group meets at 11:30am at Pegasus July 20. Please let Larry Pratt know you will be attending (
Knot Again is not meeting this month, but will be meeting on August 16 at 6:30 pm.
CRFUMC Scholarship Grants: Applications are now available in the church office and welcome center for students returning to a college or vocational school. Application requirements are listed on the application, and the deadline for submitting is September 1, 2023
2024 marks the 150th anniversary of the Methodist Church in Castle Rock.
A steering committee to begin planning our celebration will convene in September. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please sign up at the welcome center or contact Julie Bailey at We will need all kinds of talent and help from print materials, and publicity, researchers, special celebratory events,, teeshirt design, and locating former pastors.
Rev. Sarah will resume the Wednesday morning coffee time on Zoom on July 5will resume the first Wednesday in July.
Reverend Sarah’s Monday night contemporary studies group will reconvene on July 24 (in person) and July 28 (on Zoom). The book discussed will be Undistracted: Capture Your Purpose. Rediscover Your Joy by Bob Goff. The author reassures readers that they can harness today's distractions, follow Jesus' example, and find focus, purpose, and joy.
In Person Sessions, Mondays July 24, 2023 to September 18 2023 6:30PM to 8:30. Zoom Sessions, Fridays July 28 2023 to September 22 2023; 6:30PM to 8:30PM.
Each for the signup sheet at the welcome desk on July 2.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study is not meeting in July. Join us on August 1 when we begin our study of Rabbi Jason Sobel’s Mysteries of the Messiah: unveiling divine connections from Genesis to today. Look for more details in the July newsletter. This group welcomes anyone who wishes to study Scripture, people, and events of the Bible up close.
Church Grounds Mowing: With the summer months upon us we need people to assist with mowing the Church grounds. If you are interested, we will have a signup sheet located at the welcome desk.
The Little Library has been refreshed and invites you to “escape into reading” this summer with beach reads, mysteries, and some new fiction titles. If you’ve recently read something enjoyable and would like to pass it along, please consider adding it to the shelf. (Reminder: please do not bring more than one book at a time.)
2023-2024 Stewardship Campaign: If you have not turned in your cards you still can in the Church office.
Catch Pastor Matt for Coffee: I am back to working at Crowfoot Valley Coffee on 734 Wilcox St. Monday-Thursday from about 7:45 a.m. until about 10 a.m. Feel free to swing by and grab a drink of choice and talk to me you will not be bothering me if I have my laptop up and typing away. If you want to meet me there to chat just give me a heads-up to make sure I am going to be in the coffee shop.
The Bell Choir, under the leadership of Nancy Docksey is adding names to those interested in being a part of this music ministry. If you haven’t yet signed up, contact her in person at the 10:45 service welcome time or by phone or text (303-877-9085).
Grocery Story Card Update: Currently we have over 50 families participating in this program. We receive about $450/quarter from King Soopers. Check the welcome center for directions for signing up for the first time with them. The Safeway Cards are now available. Contact the church office to pick one up.. We have received approximately $250/quarter from Safeway. There is no dollar amount on them this time so folks will just pick up a card and head to Safeway to load the amount they choose to have on it . NOTE: You may use the money you have remaining on the old card, but you will not be able to reload it.
Digital Photo Directory: To view the directory online, go to and follow the prompts under “Sign In” to “Create a login now.” Please remember, you must confirm your email address before you can sign in. There is also a free mobile app available for download at the Apple® App store in iTunes®, Google Play™ store and the Amazon Fire App Store. Simply search for “Instant Church Directory” to get the download. You will need to use your email address as listed in our directory to create a log-in the first time you use the directory online and via the mobile app. If you want to add your picture or make changes please email Pastor Matt
The current issue of The Upper Room is available at the Welcome Center.
Event Reminders:
July 20: Men’s luncheon at Pegasus, 11:30 am
July 20: August newsletter articles are due
July 24: Rev. Sarah’s in-person group resumes; Undistracted: Capture Your Purpose. Rediscover Your Joy by Bob Goff.
July 28: Rev. Sarah’s Zoom group resumes
July 29th Outreach Event at Rodeo Meet at Church at 7:45 a.m. so we can coordinate handing out water bottles.
July 30: One Worship Service at 8:30 a.m. and Food and Fellowship after the service.
August 1: Tuesday morning Bible Study resumes with their study of Jason Sobel’s Mysteries of the Messiah
August 16:Knot Again, 6:30 pm
Zoom Sessions:
• Stephen Ministry Supervision meets the second and fourth Thursdays at 6:30 pm
• Rev. Sarah’s Contemporary Discussion Group, Zoom Sessions: Fridays at 6:30
• Coffee Time with Rev. Sarah, Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
The Family of Helen L. Sturdevant (She Passed Away on 6.22.23) Service info and times here:
Donna Murray
Sarah McAneny
Jan and Bud Richter
Betty Grant
Maria Molieri (sister of Vince Molieri)
Garrett Humphrey (Pat Wood’s grandson)
Pat Branson
Brandon and Stephanie Gray and their parents- ( the niece and nephew of Kari Sorah)
Monty Franks (Pastor Matt's Father)
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity
Proverbs 17:17
In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it. – Marianne Williamson
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