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CRFUMC Worship Info for 4.23.23

CRFUMC Worship Experiences for 4.23.23

Liturgical Week: 3rd Sunday of Easter

Liturgical Color: White


9 a.m. Modern Worship

Welcome to the Modern Worship Service

Thank you for joining us in worship today.

  • If you are new to us, please fill out a Thank You for Joining Us! Card. If you have a prayer request you can fill out the prayer request card and turn them in when the plates are passed during the offering. These cards can be found in the pews.

  • You can let us know you are joining us in worship by going to this site on your smartphone:

  • or by scanning the QR code on the front of the bulletin. You can also register in person at the back of the Sanctuary.

  • During the offering time you can give online with the QR code or with the link You can also drop an offering in the offering plates as they come by.

  • Are you interested in becoming a part of the Castle Rock FUMC family? Please speak to Pastors to find out when you would like to join our Church Family

Opening Music

Welcome and Greeting

Opportunities for Linking into Our Church


You can give online with the QR code or with the link

You can also drop an offering in the offering plates as they come by.


Time of Prayer Led by Rev. Sarah Steidtmann


Scripture Reading

Proverbs 10:16

Scripture Reading Response

Liturgist: The Scriptures of Faith for the people of faith.

All Thanks be to God, Amen.

Sermon Title: Earn All You Can.

Given by Rev. Matt Franks Senior Pastor At Castle Rock FUMC

Blessing of the Backpacks

Closing Words

During this time we invite you to stand as you are able and hold hands with your neighbor as you feel comfortable.

Closing Music

10:45 Traditional Worship at Castle Rock FUMC

+= stand if you are able


Gail Hammond and Dave Hoy

preforming Grace’s Waltz

Welcome & Greeting

  • Thank you for joining us today in worship. If you are new to us, please fill out a Thank You for Joining Us! Card. If you have a prayer request you can fill out the prayer request card and turn them in when the plates are passed during the offering. These cards can be found in the pews.

  • You can let us know you are joining us in worship by going to this site on your smartphone: or by scanning the QR code on the front of the bulletin. You can also register in person at the back of the Sanctuary.

  • During the offering time you can give online with the QR code or with the link You can also drop an offering in the offering plates as they come by.

  • To help stay connected to the Church you can find all of our social media presence here:

  • Are you interested in becoming a part of the Castle Rock FUMC family? Please speak to Pastors to find out when you would like to join our Church Family

Opening Hymn UMH 526

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

Blessing of the Backpacks

Call To Worship

One: God has blessed each and every one of us.

All: We want to serve God, and give out of our blessings.

One: Each talent, each skill can be used for peace and justice in places in the world that are in need.

All: Lord, help us be part of ministries that promote hope and peace within our community and beyond.

One: Come, let us praise God for the diversity present here.

All: Guide us as we discern what you would have called this community of faith to do.

The Gospel Reading Luke 24:13-35

+Hymn UMH 560

I Want Jesus To Walk With Me

We Pray Together

Congregational Prayer Rev. Sarah Steidtmann

All: Lord God of love and peace, open our hearts today to receive the invitation of Jesus to come and be present in our lives. Release us from our smallness and create an atmosphere of confession and healing love in our hearts and our spirits. For we ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Pastoral Prayer Rev. Sarah Steidtmann

The Lord’s Prayer found in the UMH 895

Hymn TFWS 2195

In The Lord, I’ll Be Ever Thankful

Opportunities for Connection and Service

To help stay connected to the Church you can find all of our social media presence here:

Sharing of Our Tithes and Offerings

You can give online with the QR code or with the link

You can also drop an offering in the offering plates as they come by.

The Doxology UMH No. 94

Chancel Choir Anthem

We Hear The Word Proclaimed

Scripture Reading

Proverbs 10:16

Scripture Reading Response

Liturgist: The Scriptures of Faith for the people of faith.

All Thanks be to God, Amen.

Sermon Title: We Need Wisdom

Given by Rev. Matt Franks Senior Pastor at Castle Rock FUMC

Hymn of Response TFWS 2196

We Walk By Faith




The Sunday Link for the Week of April 23rd 2023

2023-2024 Stewardship Campaign: John Wesley the founder of the Methodist movement, gave a remarkable sermon called “The Use of Money.” In it, he said that the important thing isn’t money itself but how we use it. Wesley’s surprising advice still rings true today: earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can. Our 2023-2024 emphasis will be center around John Wesley’s use of Money looking at the book: Earn. Save. Give.: Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money, developed by popular author and pastor James A. Harnish. Today you will be given stewardship campaign cards. Please begin praying on how much you are willing to commit to 2023-2024 fiscal year. On April 2nd we will offer a Breakfast. and on May 7th we will have our Commitment Sunday.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study meets from 9:30 -11 am on Tuesdays and is currently studying Adam Hamilton’s 24 Hours that Changed the World. This group is open to anyone who wishes to study Scripture, people, and events of the Bible up close. New members and drop-ins are welcome.

NEW! Monday evening contemporary issues group begins a news study in May: The Way of the Heart by Henry M Nouwen. Zoom Sessions begin on Monday, May 1 (in person) and on Friday, May 5 (Zoom) and end on May 22 and 26. Time for both session is 6:30 - 8:30 pm.

The Bell Choir is happening! Chancel Choir Director Nancy Docksey is adding names to those interested in being a part of this music ministry. If you haven’t yet signed up, contact her in person at the 10:45 service welcome time or by phone or text (303-877-9085). A meeting time will be determined by those interested in forming a new bell choir.

Little Library Reminder: browse and borrow freely or trade in one at a time. Please do not bring boxes of books.

Help and Hope May Food Drive: Missions Team is holding another food drive with all donations going to the Help & Hope food pantry. The need is great, especially for foods like peanut butter, beans, canned fruit and vegetables and baby items such as formula and diapers. Remember to add an extra item or two to your grocery cart the next time you go to the store. Items can be brought to the church at anytime, but all need to be there by Sunday, May 14th (Mother’s Day). Thank you.

Catch Pastor Matt for Coffee: I am back to working at Crowfoot Valley Coffee on 734 Wilcox St. Monday-Thursday from about 7:45 a.m. until about 10 a.m. Feel free to swing by and grab a drink of choice and talk to me you will not be bothering me if I have my laptop up and typing away. If you want to meet me there to chat, just give me a heads-up to make sure I am going to be in the coffee shop.

Love Circle meets Tuesday April 25th 1 PM in the Church Library.

Coffee Chat Tuesdays at the Phillip Miller Library in Castle Rock offer coffee, conversation, and games every Tuesday from 8 - 11 am in the Sue Meacham Reading Room for seniors and adults looking for socialization.

Event Reminders

· April 23: Dedication of Backpacks

· May 7th: Commitment Sunday

Please contact the church office for links to these Zooms:

· Stephen Ministry Supervision meets the second and fourth Thursdays at 6:30 pm

· Rev. Sarah’s Contemporary Discussion Group, Zoom Sessions: Fridays at 6:30

· Coffee Time with Rev. Sarah, Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.

For Prayer Requests go to:

The April newsletter is up on the website at

Putting our Faith Into Practice:

Daily Scripture Readings

Monday: Acts 2:42-47

Tuesday: Psalm 23

Wednesday: 1 Peter 2:19-25

Thursday: John 10:1-10

Friday: Proverbs 10:16

Quote of the Week

Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.

~Norman Vincent Peale

Weekly Prayer

This week remember this: No matter where you walk, God is with you. As you travel through the deepest valleys and struggle to the highest mountain, Christ walks with you. Take heart in the fact that, wherever you go, Christ has been. So shall it ever be. Amen.

We Lift Up The Following People:

The Family of Tracy Beaman

Family of Elizabeth Johnson

The family of Guy Groves

The family of Betty Watson

The family of Betty Gelroth

The family of Earl Erickson

Sarah McAneny

Jan and Bud Richter

Betty Grant

Maria Molieri (sister of Vince Molieri)

Joe Crenshaw

Garrett Humphrey (Pat Wood’s Grandson)

Pat Branson

Keith Bramer

Charlene Smythe

A Celebration of Life for Earl Erickson

Friday, May 5th at 5 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

A Celebration of Life for Guy Groves

Saturday, May 6, at 11 am in the Sanctuary.

A Celebration of Life for Betty Gelroth

Saturday, May 13th at 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

How to connect with worship online

To Watch on Facebook:

Like our Facebook page here:

A couple of tips. When you see a “get reminder” button on the video announcement. Click on that. Then whenever we go live, the reminder will pop up in your notifications and you can simply click on the notification to go straight to the video. You can use the direct link here:

​For Youtube Use

For a direct link to our Youtube Channel go here:

Note that you can also watch the service on a smart TV with the YouTube app and/or by casting the service to the TV from your phone/tablet if it's set up properly - click the icon next to YouTube. See the image below

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