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Holy Week 2023 Information

4.6. 23 Maundy Thursday 6 p.m. You are invited to “The Living Last Supper” The program will start at 6:00 PM with a potluck dinner of salads and desserts to follow. We will have a sign-up at the welcome center if you plan to attend. We also need volunteers to assist with “hand washing” before the program. Please consider joining us!

4.7.23 Good Friday 6 p.m. Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday

4.9.23 Easter

6:30 a.m. Outdoor Parking Lot | 9 a.m. Modern Service | 11 a.m. Traditional Service

Easter Egg Hunt After the 9 a.m. Service

Easter Egg Candy: We have set a box out by the welcome desk. Community Kids will be having an Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the 9:00 Easter Service. They would love donations of plastic-filled Easter Eggs by April 6th.

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