FUMCCR Email Blast for October 26, 2022
This Sunday, October 30
Sermon: “We Be Zacchaeus” . . . . Scripture: Luke 19: 1-10
John Redmond returns this Sunday, October 30, to grace both of our services with his inspiring music. Join us for worship at 9:00 (modern) or at 10:45 am (traditional) in the sanctuary. Remember to wear your nametag.
Both services are live-streamed. To find our live stream go to linktr.ee/castlerockfumc and click on either the YouTube or Facebook option.
All Saints Day (traditionally November 1) will be celebrated on Sunday, November 6. The ribbon banner is available at the Welcome Desk. If you wish to honor a loved one who has died in the last year, please consider writing their name on the paper and attaching it with a bell and ribbon before November 6th.
In Our Prayers -- Please lift up the following people in your prayers:
Sarah McAneny, Naomi Dickerson, Betty Grant, Dave Archer, Patty Claussen, Joanne Fields-
Daley, Diane Jones, Jan and Bud Richter, Cynthia and Tom Johnson, the family of Darold
Seeley, the family of Gary Carstens, the family of Austen Lobato, grandson of Joe and Judy
Harvest Dinner is this Sarturday, October 29 from 4:30-7 pm. Tickets may be purchased at the door-- Adults $15; Seniors (65+) $12; Children (6-12) $9; Children 5 and under, free.
Food Drive Reminder! The Missions Team Fall Food Drive ends this Sunday, October 30. Remember to bring your nonperishable food items to the church. All goods will be taken to the Help and Hope Center that benefits area families in need.
Time and Talent Auction pledge forms are available at the Welcome Desk and need to be returned by Thursday, November 3rd. They can be placed in the offering plate this Sunday or returned to the Church office before Thursday.
Chili Cook Off at Time and Talent Youth -- As in years past, we just ask that folks bring their favorite chili to share and everyone in attendance will vote on their favorites. Youth will help serve.
The UMF Cookie Walk Returns! On Sunday morning, December 4th Fellowship Hall will be filled with tables of festive and delicious cookies to purchase. To make this a successful event, UMF is also looking for donations. Donating a few dozen of your favorite cookies is a wonderful way to share your tasty recipe with others while filling your own box with various cookies for your holiday gatherings. Whether purchasing, donating, or doing both, United Women of Faith appreciate your participation.
New Church Photo Directory: Each Sunday, through November 4th, we will have pictures taken for a New Photo Directory. An in-house project, the cost will be $10 to help cover the cost. You will be emailed a digital copy of your family photo for you to print at your local photo shop (Walgreen’s, Walmart, Shutterfly). Please be sure your current email is on file with the church. If you are interested in helping with this project, contact Pastor Matt (matt.franks@fumccr.org).
Youth Butter Braid Sale During the first few weeks of November, our youth will be selling delicious Butter Braids to raise funds for this upcoming summer's mission trip. Please follow this link to make an order online or email/text Josh Hay (josh.hay@gmail.com) if you'd like to place an order and pay by check. All orders will be delivered and ready for pick up either Saturday, November 19th or Sunday, November 20th. Deliveries can be arranged as well as needed. Thanks so much for your support!
S.O.C.K. Volunteers are needed to provide and prepare meals for our Tuesday afternoon
SOCK program (Serving Our Community Kids). Sign up at the Welcome Center.
Want to become more familiar with #beUMC ? Take a look at the video from the UMC website.
Save these dates:
October 17 (in person) October 22 (on Zoom) Rev. Sarah’s Contemporary Discussion start dates for discussion of Adam Hamilton’s book Forgiveness.
October 29: Harvest Dinner; 4:30-7 pm
October 30: Collecting for Help and Hope Food Drive
October 30: John Redmond, guest musician, both services
November 2: Pastor Matt’s monthly coffee hour at Crowfoot Coffee, 7:45 am
November 6: Time and Talent Auction, immediately following the 10:45 service.
November 16: Charge Conference on Zoom, 6:30 pm; details to follow
November 19: FUMY Butter Braid delivery
November 19: Castle Rock Star Lighting
November 27: First Sunday of Advent
December 4: Annual Cookie Walk, sponsored by United Women in Faith
Upper Room and copies of the October Newsletter are available at the Welcome Center.
Please contact the church office for links to these Zooms:
Stephen Ministry Supervision meets the second and fourth Thursdays at 6:30 pm on Zoom
Rev. Sarah’s Contemporary Discussion Group, Fridays starting October 22 through November11 2022 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
Coffee Time with Rev. Sarah every at Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.
Reminder: Social Media Have Been Updated to help us be easier to find and connect with.
All the links in one place: https://linktr.ee/castlerockfumc
Website: www.fumccr.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/castlerockfumc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/castlerock_fumc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch. ~Robert Brault
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Romans 12:10