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Join us this Sunday Morning
8:30 a.m. Outdoor Chapel
10. a.m. Modern Servcie
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Liturgical Sunday: 3rd Sunday After Pentecost
Liturgical Color: Red
Sermon Title: Making Our Way To Wholeness
Scripture Reading: Mark 5:7-8
Preaching: Rev. Sarah Steidtmann
View the Gospel of Mark Reading Plan for the next month here
Don't forget that your name tags are appreciated.
In Our Prayers: Loving God we lift up to you…
The United Methodist Church
Mountain Sky Annual Conference
Our Pastors and Staff
Little Blessings Families
For those traveling on the Youth Mission trip
Conflict in the Middle East
Jan and Bud Richter
Kathy Spackman neighbor of Julie and George Curran
Sid Jordan, brother-in-law to Julie Bailey
Leona and Garrett Mathes, sister and brother-in-law
to Chuck Bailey
Tom Johnson
Velva Baines
Maxine Ferguson
Connie Williams, mother of Chris Sorah mother in-law of Kari Sorah
Connie Berry, cousin of Denny Pottenger
Bess Christianson, mother of Chip Christianson
Anne Shuman
Judy Crenshaw
Barbra McMinn aunt of Cheryl Smith
Griffn Hammel, Great Grandson of Sarah McAneny
The family of Shelly Heredia
The family of Ty Burgess
Family of Doug Conrad
Family of Phil Ferguson
Important Dates
May 26th Summer Worship Times Begin: 8:30 a.m. Outdoor Chapel, 10 a.m. Modern Service
June 2nd-9th Youth Mission Trip to Puerto Rico
June 8: 7am-1pm. Picklepalooza Rally Against ALS: Pickleball Tournament
June 13: Leah Circle UWF lunch in the park on Plum Creek Parkway, 11:30 am
June 22: All-church Service Project for Help and Hope Food Pantry, 9-3 pm
June 29: Celebration of Life for Lois Burgener at 11 am in the Sanctuary
July 7: Sesquicentennial “Old Time Ice Cream Social”; 11 am lunch with ice cream, games and other activities following
July 17: Celebration of Life for Betty Grant, 11 am in the Sanctuary
August 25, 2024: Sesquicentennial Special Worship Service celebrating FUMC 150th Year in Castle Rock
September 22: Paul's Mystery Ship walk 1:30 p.m
Keep up with the 150th events here:
Sermon Series on the Gospel of Mark: Rev. Matt has provided us with a way for us to join in his six-week series on Mark. If you would like to follow along on a daily basis, here is this week’s reading plan:
• May 27th: Mark 1:1-28
• May 28th: Mark 1: 29-45
• May 29th: Mark 2
• May 30th” Mark 3
• May 31st: Mark 4
Our Summer Pop-Up Choir is off to a great start. If you’d like to sing with us this summer at the 8:30 service, just “pop in” at 8 am to warm up and mic test in the Outdoor Chapel, or just “pop up” and join us in the hymn of the day. The hymns chosen for the summer season are familiar tunes we’ve sung for years. If you are a musician/musician who would like to share your talents with a solo or duet, contact Rev. Matt or Nancy Docksey to be placed on the schedule.
June 22 Service Project - Volunteers are needed Saturday, June 22 for our all-Church Food Drive for Help and Hope, in particular for greeters at the Highlands Ranch King Sooners. If you can help, please sign-up at the Welcome Center. More complete details will appear in the June newsletters. Chairperson Phyllis Tumey ( will graciously answer any questions you may have.
Please return your pledge cards to the office ASAP this will help us craft a budget for 2024-2025 Program year. You can find the cards on the registration desk in the sanctuary. You can also email Theresa your commitment for the year as well.
Summer Places to Serve
If you want to help with setup please contact Pastor Matt ( so you can be added to a group text message to let you know if we have to pivot. There is a list on the welcome desk to sign up. Our needs include:
• people to show up at 7 a.m. to help set up.
• people who will make coffee and doughnuts starting at 9:30 a.m. for coffee time.
• people to sign up for golf cart drivers.
• ushers (fill-ins needed)
• people to mow the Church property.
Kitchen Clean Up:
Please make sure if use the kitchen you clean the kitchen. We. have had a few issues lately where things have not been left as clean as they should be.
Support the Youth on the Mission Trip
We are inching closer to departing to Puerto Rico don't forget to support the youth's fund drive they have opportunities to buy dinner, and help pay for transportation or other items that will be needed on the trip. You connect with Josh Hay to find out what the needs are. You can email him at
Sesquicentennial Teeshirt Orders:
If you ordered teeshirts on History Night (April 17), either in person or via email, they will be ready for pickup on Sunday, June 2 between services. Joyce Morales-Caramella asks that you have your payment ready (cash or check). If you have already received your teeshirt but have yet to pay for it, please do so on Sunday June 2. If you missed ordering one, when we have an order for ten more, we’ll place an additional order this summer. Thanks to all who have purchased a teeshirt and wear it to promote our celebration in the community.
Ice Cream, Ice Cream! We all scream for ice cream!
Do you have an ice cream making machine and would you be willing to donate your time, talent and ingredients to preparing ice cream for our July 7 Old Time Ice Cream Social? Please sign up at the welcome center if you can help. If you have questions, see our ice cream social chairs Lisa Andrews and Rose Andrade.
Quilts and Old Photos:
Do you have old family photos or an heirloom quilt you’d like to have on display as we celebrate our Sesquicentennial in August? The kiosk at the back of the church already contains photos from previous historical celebrations, but we’ll be adding more as we move through the summer months. We’ll make copies of these precious photos and return them to you. See Linda Pottenger or Julie Bailey for more details. Your ancestors may not have settled in Douglas County before or since statehood, but their lives somehow initiated your journey to our church.
The History Night video can still be viewed on our YouTube Channel. If you would like a copy, please let Pastor Matt know.
Photos Needed: As we celebrate the 150th year of our church, we are looking for pictures of our congregation taking part in any of our special events and regular activities. Posed photos are nice, but candid shots of people enjoying the Help & Hope food drive, the ice cream social, any of our potluck meals, backpack ministry, Time & Talent, game night, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Anyone who takes these pictures should send them to Julie Bailey ( or Pastor Matt ( for inclusion in our newsletter and our sesquicentennial
Print Copies of the Church Newsletter. If you would like a print copy of the monthly newsletter reserved for you, please let Julie Bailey ( know so you can be added to the list. These copies will have your name on them and be available for pick-up in the church office. A few more will be available for our guests at the Welcome Center.
Bible Study Opportunities:
• Rev. Sarah’s newest contemporary Bible study of Amy-Jill Levine’s The Gospel of Mark: A Beginners Guide to the Good News gathers in-person on Mondays from April 15, 2024 to May 20, 2024; 6:30PM to 8:30; Zoom Sessions meet on Fridays from April 19, 2024 to May 24, 2024; 6:30PM to 8:30PM
• Tuesday Morning Bible Study has begun their study of the book of Romans on April 16, meeting from 9:30 - 11 am in the church library.
A Volunteer Opportunity: The Outreach and Hospitality Team is looking for some volunteers to make follow-up phone contact with Sunday morning guests and visitors. A script to guide conversation will be provided and the time commitment is just a few hours on Sunday afternoon. If this seems like the perfect fit for you, please let Pastor Matt know you are available.
Adult Discipleship Opportunity: Be a VIPP (Very Important Point Person) Volunteers are needed to organize social and educational events such as outdoor activities, museum trips, and concerts. Interested individuals can sign up at the Welcome Center to become a VIPP for one activity
Paul's Mystery Ship
The Church has done a great job of supporting Paul’s Mystery Ship over the past years. Here are some events to take note of.
• Picklepalooza Rally Against ALS: Pickleball Tournament Sat., June 8th from 7-1 p.m.
• September 22, 2024 @ 1:30 p.m. Walk starts/Ends @ 105 W. Brewing Co.For more info about Paul’s Mystery Ship go to
For Prayer Requests go to:
The Current newsletter is up on the website at
This week's Quotes and Scripture
“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”
Romans 8: 14-17 (NIV)
“I believed that there was a God because I was told it by my grandmother and later by other adults. But when I found that I knew not only that there was God but that I was a child of God, when I understood that, when I comprehended that, more than that, when I internalized that, ingested that, I became courageous.” Maya Angelou
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