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150 years of sharing God's light and love with Castle Rock

Welcome to the Castle Rock First United Methodist Church's 150th-anniversary celebration page! We are thrilled to mark this momentous occasion, reflecting on our rich history of serving the community and our unwavering commitment to faith.

This year promises to be a time of joy, remembrance, and looking forward. Join us as we:

  • Commemorate our heritage: Explore the church's journey through the decades, honoring the generations who have shaped our legacy.

  • Celebrate our faith: Share in special worship services, events, and programs that deepen our connection and strengthen our spiritual core.

  • Embrace the future: Look ahead with renewed purpose, fostering a vibrant community where faith flourishes and service thrives.

Explore this page to discover upcoming events, historical reflections, and ways to get involved in this year-long celebration. We invite you to be part of this special journey as we reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and embrace the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.


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Help with events or planning


Music Sheets

Celebration of Music and Musicians

on January 21 at 10:45 a.m.

The inaugural event of our church’s Sesquicentennial Celebration of Music and Musicians on

January 21 at 10:45 a.m.

Soup and Salad Lunch after Worship

June Service Project


“A big thank you to all those volunteers who helped Saturday with the Help and Hope Food Drive.  We worked at Ridge Road, Quebec and Castle Pines.” 

Across 5 King Soopers in our county, Jim Weglarz from Help and Hope reports a total of 5937 pounds of nonperishable foods and dry goods.

The three stores assigned to us brought in we 2748 pounds of those donations. Those who helped have some wonderful stories to share from the many donors they met. 

July 7:

“Old Time Ice Cream Social”

10 a.m. Worship 

11 a.m. Ice Cream Social with Hotdogs and Ice Cream


We’ll have one service at 10 am inside, followed by a light lunch with ice cream (!), games, contests, prizes, quilt knotting, and entertainment. Things will wrap up around 1 pm.


Watch the Welcome Center for ways to volunteer your help.


If you have fresh crafting paint, small paint brushes or paint pens to pass along, there will be a box for those donations in the church library. These items will be used to begin painting sesquicentennial stars for Starlighting during the social.

Kids eating icecream

August 25, 2024: Sesquicentennial Special Worship Service celebrating FUMC 150th Year in Castle Rock

August 25th Celebration Reminders

Worship Sunday, August 25th Processional will begin at 10 a.m.

Before the processional at 9:45 a.m., there will be music in the sanctuary as a prelude to worship. 


Quilts: If the quilt you loaned for display this month does not have an identifying tag, please fill one out using the card available at the table at the back of the sanctuary. Add your name and a little information about the quilt and pin it to your quilt.


Church Potluck: Bring your food for the potluck to the church kitchen between 9:15 and 10 am. Warming ovens will be available and we'll keep cold dishes refrigerated until the service is over. Power connections for crockpots. The dessert table will be located in Fellowship Hall.  Labels are available for dishes that are gluten-free or contain nuts.


150th T-shirt:  We would love for everyone to wear their 150th t-shirt if you have one.


Guests: Name tags for guests will be available at the Welcome Center. Be sure to wear yours and introduce yourself. Be aware that the parking lot will be filling up early and consider leaving spaces closer to the building for our guests and those needing handicapped parking.  Your favorite pew spot may be occupied, but you'll find another pew nearby. If you're bringing guests, tour the church grounds with them -- the outdoor chapel, the Little Blessings garden and playground, the flowers blooming all around.


Olivia Young from Channel 4 CBS, the reporter for Douglas County, will be interviewing the pastor and others about our church history and community outreach.


Things to do:

  • Enjoy the piano music (and sing along!) with Rainier, Micah, and Beckett Lapidus as you wait in the buffet line. 

  • Visit with old friends, former clergy, and members. Make some new friends. Invite folks back.

  • Make a star for our 2024 Advent Project, or watch others make one. You may take one or more home to decorate later. 

  • During lunch, a video slide show featuring our church history, community outreach, various ministries, and fellowship will play on a continuing loop.

  • Church History booklets will be available for purchase at the Welcome Center. $7 for the reprinted booklet covering 1874-1974, $5 for the new booklet covering 1974-2024; buy both for $10. Laryce Nitsch and her history team did a fabulous job putting this together.

  • Stroll around the sanctuary to view the quilts, the new additions to our history kiosk, the painting commemorating the Christmas Eve blizzard of 1982, and if you haven't seen it lately, take the back stairs down to check out the Little Blessings setting.

  • After lunch, as the crowd dwindles down to the last few people, extra hands to help clean up and put things away is appreciated. Don't forget to pick up your serving dish.  



This Sesquicentennial Celebration could not have happened without everyone's participation, encouragement, and enthusiasm. The Steering Committee appreciates all who have volunteered their time and talent. A huge thank you to everyone for making the entire year and especially this special day of celebration a success. 


Rose Andrade 

Lisa Andrews 

Julie Bailey

Matt Franks

Joyce Morales

Linda Pottenger 

Laryce Nitsch

Brenda Ryan 

Kari Sorah 

Phyllis Tumey

Ways To Help Serve for this Year of Celebration

History Photographs

If you have any church-related photographs from 1974- present, please bring them to the church. There will be an envelope/file in the office for you to place them in. Please identify people, events, and dates if you have them. If you would like these photographs returned to you, please place them in your envelope and put a “return to” name on the envelope.

Louise Molieri will be scanning these photos for our history book and slide shows beginning now and through the first few months of 2024.

Helping with Our Church History

The church’s Sesquicentennial Committee is looking for help with updating the history records of our church for the anniversary celebration planned for next summer. Folks can work independently or with a partner on small segments of history.


Please get in touch with Laryce Nitsch if you have questions or would like to help.

Serve on the Planning Team

The Team meets monthly to plan upcoming events along. If you are interested please connect with Julie Bailey

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.

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