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8/30/24 CRFUMC Email Blast

Connect with us online in one place:

Join us this Sunday Morning

8:30 a.m. Outdoor Chapel Service

10: a.m. Modern Service

All of our Services are live-streamed go to ( )

and click on either the YouTube or Facebook option.

Don't forget that your name tags are appreciated.


Important Dates

September 3: Tuesday Morning Bible Study begins its study of Joshua. 

September 5: Finance 5:30 p.m. 

September 5th Administrative Council Meeting, 7 pm 

September 8: Church Fellowship Event at Flying W Ranch 

Sep[tember 12: Leah Circle in Fellowship Hall, 11:45

September 19: Men’s Lunch at Pegasus, 11:30

September 22: Paul's Mystery Ship walk 1:30 p.m

September 25th SPRC 7 P.m.

October 20: Time & Talent Auction

At the Welcome Center

  • Pick up the postcard with the Fall Service Schedule reminder

  • Sign up for church bus transportation to the Flying W on September 8

  • Sign up for Monday Night Bible Study

  • Sign up for the Meals Support Team

  • Sign up for 2024-25 lunch/dinner small groups 

  • Pick up Sesquicentennial Advent Stars to paint or decorate on your own. 

Keep up with the 150th events here:


August 25th Celebration; What a wonderful day it was!

The Steering Committee thanks everyone who helped make it a success.

So many areas of talents and skills were shared: musicians, display areas (quilts, photographs, historical documents, invitations, promotional material, table decorations, Fellowship Hall set-up, sanctuary cleaning, food preparation, food set up, after dinner clean-up, and let’s not forget all of the friendly smiles and hugs delivered to friends from the past and friends-to-become in the future. Everyone’s contributions were greatly appreciated.

Church History booklets will be available for purchase at the Welcome Center. $7 for the reprinted booklet covering 1874-1974, $5 for the new booklet covering 1974-2024; buy both for $10.

If you forgot to pick up your serving dish, please check the kitchen and look for it on the shelf near the dishwasher.

In case you missed the worship service: links, here they are:

•           If you missed the service you can watch it here:

•           We should be on Channel 4 tonight at 10 p.m. so keep an eye out for it. 

•           If you have pictures from today please email them to me at

•           You can watch the video that Julie Bailey put together here:

•           You can see Bishop Karen's video to us here:

•           CBS News Story here:(CBS Video)


Sesquicentennial Cookbook: With so many delicious dishes on the menu for the potluck, Kari Sarah has volunteered to prepare a Sesquicentennial Cookbook for our church this fall. If you have recipes to share — even if it wasn’t on the buffet last Sunday — please submit them to Karl by email at or drop it off at the church office. You may take a photo of the recipe and send it by email as well. Photos of the competed dish and the person submitting it are also encouraged. The deadline for submission will be given later.

Flying W Ranch on Sunday, September 8: We now have 50 people signed up for this fun event in Colorado Springs, and we have a bus driver. If you want to ride the church bus, please sign up at the welcome center this coming Sunday— September 1, If we have more than the bus can hold, we do have room in several off the carpools/. If you haven’t paid for your ticket, please remit that prior to September 1, either in the collection plate with a “Flying W” tag, or by giving your check to Julie Bailey or Theresa Kepple. Departure time on September 8 will be 4:30 pm, returning at approximately 9:30 pm. There are golf carts at the gate for anyone who wants assistance getting to the dinner pavilion.

Our Last Summer Pop-Up Choir: If you’d like to sing with us this summer at the 8:30 service, just “pop in” at 8 am to warm up and mic test in the Outdoor Chapel, or just “pop up” and join us in the hymn of the day. The hymns chosen for the summer season are familiar tunes we’ve sung for years. If you are a musician/musician who would like to share your talents with a solo or duet, contact Rev. Matt or Nancy Docksey to be placed on the schedule.


Choirs Return to Fall Schedule

Chancel Choir will resume rehearsals at 5:30 pm on August 28. The summer pop-up choir worked out so well, we hope some will consider joining.

Bell Choir resumes their fall rehearsals on the same day, meeting between 4 and 5 pm.

Check with Nancy Docksey (303-877-9085)

if you have questions.


Civitan invites you. . . .  to an informal, informational event  at Centennial Park (22 N Gilbert) on Tuesday, September 17th at 5:30 pm. Beverages and snacks will be provided as the leaders of this group provide information on how our community can assist with projects involving Help & Hope, Easter Seals, Salvation Army, Castle Rock Senior Center, Wellspring, and Horsepower. See Donna  Murray if you have questions and RSVP to  Glenn Perkal at


Tuesday Morning Bible Study begins its study of the book of Joshua on Tuesday, September 3 at 9:30 pm in the church library. New participants and drop-ins are always welcome. We read from various translations of our own Bibles to explore themes and ideas. The Book of Joshua guides God's people in every age as they seek to advance the kingdom of God. Following the Pentateuch, Joshua, a loyal follower and humble servant, trusted in the Lord to guide him as the Israelites settled in the land of Canaan without Moses’ leadership. In challenging times, we are called to “be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt” (Joshua 1:”9) and to remember that God is with us,  calling us to be a voice above the crowd. Fear and doubt are always lurking just around the corner, but if we daily put on the armor of God, we can exercise and grow our faith until it conquers our fears.

Paul's Mystery Ship a CRFUMC Mission Partner

The Church has done a great job of supporting Paul’s Mystery Ship over the past years. Here are some events to take note of.  

They are the "Charity of the Month" for June at:

• September 22, 2024 @ 1:30 p.m. Walk starts/Ends @ 105 W. Brewing Co.For more info about Paul’s Mystery Ship  go to

The “Ice Out ALS” Event celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the “Ice Bucket Challenge” will be held on August 29, from 3:30- 5:30 pm at 372 Inverness Drive South in Englewood. For more information, contact Amy Dannels-McClure.


2024-2025 Meal Groups Info

Last year we brought back what we called Dinner for 8 Groups which we transformed the name to fit better to Meal Groups. This is a time to get to know new people over a meal at least three times from September- May.

We will have signups all throughout August for those interested in joining a meal group. These meal groups will have a Core Group Leader who will help plan and guide the groups on when and where to meet. Last year we had 8 groups and hope to have that many this coming year.

If you would like to lead a meal group or have questions let Pastor Matt know.

Bishops Installation service October 13th - 2 pm at First UMC, Colorado Springs, CO Pastor Matt will drive the CHurch bus down for those who want to attend. 


For Prayer Requests go to:

The Current newsletter is up on the website at

Putting Your Faith Into Practice

Putting Our Faith Into Practice

Daily Scripture Readings (Lectionary)

Monday: James 1:1-12

Tuesday: James 1:13-18

Wednesday: James: 1:19-27

Thursday: Psalm 15

Quote & Prayer of the Week


Compassionate God, we like to think that all we have to do is be “religious”, to speak the words, but that we really don’t have to “walk the walk”. We can get so caught up in ritual and rules, that we forget the essence of your word for us. We forget that we are called to truly be people of peace, not just to speak the words, but to practice lives of compassion and hope. By Your love for us may it be so.

Loving God we lift up to you…

The United Methodist Church

Mountain Sky Annual Conference

Bishop Kristen Stoneking, as we welcome her as the new Bishop of the Mountain Sky Conference

Bishop Karen Oliveto as she prepares for her retirement as Bishop of the Mountain Sky Conference 

Our Pastors and Staff

Little Blessings Families

Conflict in the Middle East

Jan and Bud Richter

Leona and Garrett Mathes, sister and brother-in-law to Chuck Bailey

Tom Johnson

Maxine Ferguson

Connie Williams, mother of Chris Sorah mother in-law of Kari Sorah

Connie Berry, cousin of Denny Pottenger

Bess Christianson, mother of Chip Christianson

Sheldon Lewis brother of Rosie Andrade

Anne Shuman

Barbra McMinn aunt of Cheryl Smith

Griffn Hammel Great Grandson of Sarah McAneny

Blakeley Huffine granddaughter of Sue Hurst

Sid Nichols, Friend of Amy Dannels McClure and daughter Gabby

Bill Hurst father of Callie Hurst

Evelyn Kelly, close friend of Louise Molieri 

The family of Velva Baines


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“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”  I  Corinthians 12: 4-7 (NIV)

"Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.”   Thomas Kinkade

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