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Welcome To Worship At
Castle Rock FUMC

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Modern Worship Service 9 a.m.

The modern service is a worship experience that mixes a lot of elements of worship together to provide a meaningful experience. The music can have a wide range of things from Beetles to Charles Wesley. All parts of our service connect to the larger theme of the scripture for the day. 

Liturgical Sunday:20th Sunday After Pentecost | Liturgical Color: Green | 

Today’s Scripture Reading: Luke 6: 31-36



PreService Music




Peace Across the Divide       Liturgist 

Reader 1: I glimpse you from afar, and I’m suspicious. 

Reader 2: I cannot understand you, and it makes me afraid. 

Reader 1: What if we are too different? 

Reader 2: What if you don’t care about me? 

Reader 1: I cannot imagine we have anything to share. 

Reader 2: I’m not sure I am willing to open myself to a conversation. 


Liturgist: Wait. 

People: Breathe. 

Liturgist: Let the anxiety take a break for just a moment. 

People: Breathe again. 

Liturgist: We are not alone. 

People: Christ is with us. 

Liturgist: Let us take a deep breath together 

[take a breath]… 

The rhythm of our breath and heartbeat is the same. Our desire for life and love is the same. Our desire for a peace in which we flourish is the same. Let this moment permeate our souls, and let us pass the peace of Christ between us. This peace is meant for all people. 

Leader: Now let us share the peace of Christ with this community. 


Greeting Time


Opening Song


We Pray Together

Prayers of “the Others”       Liturgist

Liturgist: Jesus’ ministry demonstrated an alternative story to the ones that were espoused in his day. He taught that “the last shall be first,” “love your enemies”… and even invited unlikely guests to dinner. Our response to the invitation of Christ to be his Body in the world is to make these alternative sacred narratives more real in our own lives for the sake of the world. We come to prayer today as “others.” In Jesus’ edict to “do unto others,” we are all someone’s “other.” We are all unknown or different to someone else. And yet, as we have learned today, we are only less than 1% “other.” And so, we pray together the prayers of the people, for we are both “other” and “the same.” Your response is “for ourselves and others.”


Liturgist: We pray for safety,

All: for ourselves and others. 

Liturgist: We pray for healing, 

All: for ourselves and others. 

Liturgist: We pray for the spiritual capacity for kindness, 

All: for ourselves and others. 

Liturgist: We pray for freedom to live, 

All:for ourselves and others. 


Pastoral Prayer | Lord’s Prayer

Rev. Sarah 




We Share Our Gifts Together

Opportunities to Link Into CRFUMC


Offering Prayer       Liturgist

All; Gracious and Present God, You call us to love one another as You have loved us, to do good to others even when we expect nothing in return. Today, we bring our gifts and offerings before You, not out of obligation, but as an expression of the generosity You have shown to us. Use this offering to build the Kingdom of God here in Castle Rock and the World. Amen. 






We Hear The Word Proclaimed

Scripture Reading: Luke 6: 31-36


Reflection on the Word

Give By Rev. Matt Franks


Service of Holy Communion


RIPPLING FORTH       Liturgist


Closing Hymn:   TFWS 2223 

They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love

Outdoor Service at 10:45 a.m. 

Our Traditional Service is rooted in the Traditional Style of worship in the United Methodist Tradition. All parts of our service connect to the larger theme of the scripture for the day. Depending on the season we will have the Choir, a Bell Choir, and other special music. 

Liturgical Sunday:20th Sunday After Pentecost | Liturgical Color: Green | 

Today’s Scripture Reading: Luke 6: 31-36




Welcome & Greeting            Pastor Matt Franks  


Opening Song: Christ Has Broken Down the Wall vs. 1&2     W&S 3122


Call To Worship.                    Liturgist

One: Jesus calls us to open our hearts to all in need.

All: We gather this day to hear Jesus words of encouragement for us.

One: Look around you. Smile at each other.

All:  We all have need of friendship and welcome.

One: With God's great love in our hearts, may you find your way.

All:  We find our welcome in this place of worship.


We Pray Together

Community Prayer.                           Liturgist

Liturgist: We pray for safety, All: for ourselves and others. 

Liturgist: We pray for healing, All:for ourselves and others. 

Liturgist: We pray for the spiritual capacity for kindness, All: for ourselves and others. 

Liturgist: We pray for freedom to live, All: for ourselves and others. 


Liturgist: Holy, Loving, Kind and Merciful God…kindness is not always easy, especially when I encounter difficult people or situations.  I pray that you would give me the strength and wisdom to respond with grace and love.  May I be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.  Bless me with a heart of gratitude.  Help me to recognize the blessings in my life and to be thankful for them.  May my gratitude overflow into acts of kindness and generosity toward others.  Thank you, God, for your love and grace.  I pray that you would help me to be more like you each day.  Amen.


Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer           Rev. Sarah Steidtmann


Chancel Choir  


We Share Our Gifts Together

Opportunities to Link Into CRFUMC


Offering Prayer       Liturgist

All; Gracious and Present God, You call us to love one another as You have loved us, to do good to others even when we expect nothing in return. Today, we bring our gifts and offerings before You, not out of obligation, but as an expression of the generosity You have shown to us. Use this offering to build the Kingdom of God here in Castle Rock and the World. Amen. 


Sharing of Our Tithes and Offerings We have a few ways to give to CRFUMC

  • In-person offerings may be dropped in the offering plates.

  • On Our Web Site

  • Text Give To FUMCCR to 73256

  • Offerings can also be mailed or dropped off at the church office: 1200 South Ave. Castle Rock, Co. 80104


+ The Doxology: Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow         UMH 94

We Hear The Word Proclaimed 

Hymn: Jesu Jesu (Refrain 2x)       UMH 432


Scripture Reading: Luke 6: 31-36


Reflection on the Word         Given By Rev. Matt Franks


Hymn: HELP US ACCEPT EACH OTHER  vs 1       UMH 560


Service of Holy Communion


Closing Hymn: They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love   TFWS 2223


Benediction     Rev. Sarah Steidtmann 



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