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Join us this Sunday Morning
9 a.m. for our Modern Service
10:45 a.m. for our Traditional Service
All of our Services are live-streamed go to ( )
and click on either the YouTube or Facebook option.
Don't forget that your name tags are appreciated.
Important Date Reminders
September 22: Blessing of the Gardens, 10 am
September 22: Paul's Mystery Ship walk 1:30 p.m
September 23: Orders for the Little Blessings fundraiser are due.
September 26: Fall Color Tour over Guanella Pass, 9 am departure
October 6: Election Q & A, Fellowship Hall, between services.
October 6: Knot Again in Fellowship Hall between and after services.
October 13: Bishop’s Installation Service, 2 pm, First UMC, Colorado Springs
October 15: John Redmon, Guest musician at both services.
October 17: Pledge forms for Time & Talent due
October 20: Time & Talent Auction
October 27: The Closing, Kairos ceremony, Buena Vista CO
October 27: Castle Rock Orchestra Concert, 3 pm Sanctuary
November 23: Castle Rock Star Lighting 2-6 pm
November 30: Women’s Christmas: “Wise Women Curious about Joy”
December 1: Cookbook recipes deadline to Kari Sorah
December 8: UWF Annual Cookie Walk, Fellowship Hall, 9am - 12pm
Time and Talent
The Time and Talent Auction and Luncheon will be held in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, October 20th, after our 10:45 a.m. worship service. You will enjoy delicious lunch, prepared by our Youth, and have an opportunity to purchase and enjoy items graciously donated by our Church family.
This is our Church’s annual fundraiser for:
1) our youth’s mission trip;
2) Trustees to purchase equipment for the Church;
3) the Mission Team to assist local mission(s). Our goal this year is to raise at least $10,000.
This is an opportunity to share your time and/or special talent. Items/services that have been donated in the past include hosting a lunch, dinner, or event for several people at your home; preparing your homemade jelly, cakes, and breads; purchasing a round of golf or restaurant gift certificates; lunch or dinner at your home for a group; donating time to garden, paint or other home repairs; sharing your artistic or craft products; or providing a week at your timeshare.
Begin thinking now of how you or your group can contribute to this special event.
Blue pledge forms are available at the Welcome Desk. The pledge forms need to be returned by Thursday, October 17th. They can be placed on the offering plate or returned to the Church office.
Choirs Return to Fall Schedule
Chancel Choir will resume rehearsals at 5:30 pm on August 28. The summer pop-up choir worked out so well, we hope some will consider joining.
Bell Choir resumes their fall rehearsals on the same day, meeting between 4 and 5 pm.
Check with Nancy Docksey (303-877-9085)
if you have questions.
Bishops Installation service
October 13th - 2 pm at First UMC, Colorado Springs, CO
Pastor Matt will drive the Church bus down for those who want to attend.
Keep up with the 150th events here:
Sesquicentennial Cookbook:
December 1 is the deadline for adding recipes to the new church cookbook with the goal of distribution being Valentine’s Day 2025. You may email your recipe to Kari Sorah ( at or drop a print copy in the box at the welcome center. Further details will follow.
Castle Rock Orchestra Concert
October 27th at 3 p.m.
Knot Again
Has a new meeting time: the third Thursday of the month. A special session on October 6th in between services and after the second service will occur in Fellowship Hall. Anyone interested in helping at that time is welcome to join. The next two meetings are set for October 10th and November 21sr at 6 pm.
Quilt display:
The quilt display has been dismantled. Owners may pick up their quilts in the church library. We thank everyone who brought a quilt or two in to share with others. The colors and patterns provided a delightful visual in the sanctuary and surrounding areas, and the memories evoked with background stories were a tribute to the creators and owners.
King Soopers/Safeway Gift Cards:
Many of our church ministries and projects have been funded by monies returned from grocery purchases. If you would like to purchase a card or refill an old one, please contact Theresa Kepple. 5% from each purchase is given back to the church.
Little Blessings Fundraiser
Little Blessings and Holiday Wishes are counting on a huge success this year! Last year was our first year and we raised over $2000 with all of your support! This year we would like to try and double our earnings! This means we need all of you to help us out to reach our goal. Check out the Holiday Wishes Catalog on the Welcome desk and you can either go on-line to place your order or we can place it for you! Please let us know if you have any questions at Orders are due by September 23rd!!!
Tuesday Morning Bible Study begins its study of the book of Joshua on Tuesday, September 3 at 9:30 am in the church library. New participants and drop-ins are always welcome. We read from various translations of our own Bibles to explore themes and ideas.
An Invitation to The Closing
Inmates are introduced to KAIROS through a four day weekend experience. Over the four days they listen to a series of talks and engage in discussion with five other participants in ‘family’ groups of six. At the end of the four days, early Sunday afternoon, we gather the families for a final time to end the weekend. The participants meet in the chapel and wait while we tell them we are waiting for the warden or somebody important. But when the doors to the chapel open, an anonymous group of Christians they have never met before arrive to welcome them into the church. With 36 participants, it is awesome if the Christians they have never met outnumber them! We introduce these guests as a group and let the participants know this is a sample of the church that prays for them, is a link on the prayer chain, and welcomes them in the Love of Christ. The participants then get up by family and individually to talk about their weekend experience
If you are able to join this anonymous group, you can register to attend by filling out a couple of forms required by the Department of Corrections. The closing will be held on Sunday, October 27th, likely around 1:30 or 2:00. On my trips to Buena Vista I generally plan on a two and a half hour drive. The drive itself is very beautiful, but it is long. I would suggest that four people travelling in the same vehicle would allow for some great conversation.
To register your carload or just learn more about the ministry, reach out to me by e-mail at
Election Conversation
Ever had a question about how Elections work in Colorado and wish you could hear directly from someone that knows the job? Stop by the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, October 6 between services to hear from Jack Twite Jr, our FUMCCR Member and Douglas County’s elections director about how elections and voter registration works in our State and get your questions answered!
Jack has administered over 12 elections and is both a nationally and the State of Colorado certified election official. Jack will share how voter registration rolls are maintained, how the county makes sure that only eligible voters get ballots and more so stop on by and bring your curiosity.
Digital Church Directory:
Need to locate someone in the church digital; directory? Go to but must have submitted to Matt your email for you to be logged in.
Oct. 15th John Redmon will be leading Music in both services.
Fall Color Tour! On September 26th, we will take the church bus for a beautiful week-day trip to view the aspens in all their golden glory. The church bus will leave at 9 am and travel to Georgetown, then cross over Guanella Pass to Grant. There will be a lunch stop at the Smiling Pig in Bailey. Cost is $10 to cover the cost of gas. Sign up at the Welcome Center. (Thank you, Lisa Andrews, for being our Point Person for this outing.)
Be a Point Person! Following the fun evening of fellowship at the Flying W, complete with a hearty chuckwagon barbecue dinner and cowboy music, folks are already looking forward to more social events as fall approaches and Advent season appears on the horizon. What would you like to do as a group? Where would you like to go in a group as few as 5-6 or as large as 20 or more? Please share your ideas with Pastor Matt and let’s get that outing on the calendar.
Rev. Sarah’s Fall Contemporary Issues Study Groups
The Book: 11: Indispensable Relationships You Can't Be Without by Dr. Leonard Sweet
In Person Sessions, Mondays September 30 2024 to November 11, 2024; 6:30PM to 8:30
Zoom Sessions, Fridays October 4, 2024 to November 15, 2024; 6:30PM to 8:30PM
Painting Stars for the Star Lighting: We have many beautiful stars returned to the table in the narthex. Where are these 150th commemorative stars going? Most will be placed on a live tree in Festival Park as take-away gifts to the public, with weekly replacements added as the supply is deleted. The tree will be planted in the spring at one of our town parks. Sixty stars will be added to the December Thinking-of-You bags. Some will accompany the gifts provided by the Giving Tree in December. The remainder will be available to our families attending Christmas Eve services. Anyone taking a few home to decorate is asked to be sure the back side of the star has the hole at the top point. Adding them to the tree downtown will occur on November 20.
Cookie Walk set for December 8: The annual United Women in Faith will once a again be offering cookies for sale on December 8 from 9am to 12 noon. Cookie bakers and cookie purchasers will be needed. Let’s make this the best one ever.
For Prayer Requests go to:
The Current newsletter is up on the website at
Putting Your Faith Into Practice
Putting Our Faith Into Practice
Daily Scripture Readings
Monday: James 4:1-10
Tuesday: James 4:11-12
Wednesday: James 4
Thursday: Psalm 54
Quote & Prayer of the Week
"True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less." – C.S. Lewis
Holy Spirit, help me be quick to listen and slow to speak, and help me see everyone I meet as a Child of God. Amen.
Loving God we lift up to you…
The United Methodist Church
Mountain Sky Annual Conference
Bishop Kristen Stoneking,
Our Pastors and Staff
Little Blessings Families
Conflict in the Middle East
Those suffering from the flooding storms and fires across our country and around the world
Jan and Bud Richter
Leona and Garrett Mathes, sister and brother-in-law to Chuck Bailey
Tom Johnson
Maxine Ferguson
Connie Williams, mother of Chris Sorah mother in-law of Kari Sorah
Connie Berry, cousin of Denny Pottenger
Sheldon Lewis brother of Rosie Andrade
Anne Shuman
Barbra McMinn aunt of Cheryl Smith
Griffn Hammel Great Grandson of Sarah McAneny
Blakeley Huffine granddaughter of Sue Hurst
Sid Nichols, Friend of Amy Dannels McClure and daughter Gabby
Bill Hurst father of Callie Hurst
Evelyn Kelly, close friend of Louise Molieri
Leah Howard
Family of Geraldine (Jerry )Hunt
Family of Steven Hebert son in-law of Barbra Yochem wife of Kimberly Hebert
Did you know we try to post a sermon to our sermon podcast you can find it here:
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“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.” Exodus 20:16
“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” – Abraham Lincoln