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CRFUMC Email Blast for 4/10/24

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Join us this Sunday Morning

9 a.m. Modern Worship

10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship

The Modern and Traditional Services are offered online through our Facebook and YouTube channels.

Liturgical Sunday: 3rd Sunday of Easter

Liturgical Color: White

Sermon Title: Building Strong Relationships

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:2-3

Preaching: Rev. Matt Franks

Don't forget that your name tags are appreciated.

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In Our Prayers: Loving God we lift up to you…

The United Methodist Church

Mountain Sky Annual Conference

Our Pastors and Staff

Little Blessings Families

Conflict in the Middle East

Jan and Bud Richter

Hank Slawson, Father of Julie Venable

Kathy Spackman neighbor of Julie and George Curran

Sid Jordan, brother-in-law to Julie Bailey

Leona and Garrett Mathes, sister and brother-in-law to Chuck Bailey

Tom and Cynthia Johnson

Velva Baines

Karen Graff

Phil and Maxine Ferguson

Gregg Tomberlin Brother-in-law of Diane Meeks

Connie Williams, mother of Chris Sorah mother-in-law of Kari Sarah

Anne Shuman

Veronica Butler, Cousin of Karen Oliver

Shelly Heredia, sister of Kim Martin.

Dwain Butler, Brother of Karen Oliver

Doug Conrad Friend of Gayle and Ken Kindt

Family of Jay Weise


Important Dates

April 11: Leah Circle Luncheon, 11:45, Fellowship Hall

April 11: Missions Committee Meeting 6 p.m.

April 14: Prison Backpack Ministry Begins

April 14: New Membership Class, 6 pm. 

April 17: 6:30 p.m. Sesquicentennial History Night with speakers and dessert

April 18: Men’s Luncheon, 11:30, Pegasus,

April 21: Pastor Matt’s informational meeting at UMC General Conference at 2 p.m.

April 28: Commitment Sunday

May 3-5: Women’s Retreat

May 5: Prison Backpack Ministry Concludes

May 13: Sesquicentennial Steering Committee Meeting, 5:30, church library

May 26th Summer Worship Times Begin: 8:30 a.m. Outdoor Chapel, 10 a.m. Modern Service

June 2nd-9th  Youth Mission Trip to Puerto Rico

June 22: All-church Service Project for Help and Hope Food Pantry, 9-3 pm

June 29th Lois Burgener’s Celebration of Life a 11 a.m. 

July 7: Sesquicentennial “Old Time Ice Cream Social”; 11 am lunch with ice cream, games and other activities following

August 25, 2024: Sesquicentennial Special Worship Service celebrating FUMC 150th Year in Castle Rock


Keep up with the 150th events here: 

Knot Again:  Due to the History Night event on April 17th, Knot Again will meet on Wednesday, April 24


Community Game Night, April 25th from 6-8 pm, sponsored by our youth promises an evening of fun. Bring your favorite board or card games to play and food to share!


Leah Circle, United Women in Faith

Leah Circle’s will gather at 11:45 on Thursday,  April 11, in Fellowship Hall. Lunch will provided followed by devotions and a program on the life and poetry of hymns Fanny Crosby.


Teeshirt Purchases: Joyce Morales-Caramella will be available between services this Sunday (April 14) with a few teeshirts left to sell and take requests from those whose sizes are currently not on hand. We need at least 10 teeshirts to place another order. These shirts will be an asset as we meet the public during the June 22 service project for Help and Hope and for distributing water bottles during the Fair Parade in August. Our Steering Committee members will be wearing them on History Night.

Upcoming Bible Study Opportunities:  

Rev. Sarah’s newest contemporary Bible study of Amy-Jill Levine’s The Gospel of Mark: A Beginners Guide to the Good News gathers in-person on Mondays from April 15, 2024 to May 20, 2024; 6:30PM to 8:30; Zoom Sessions meet on Fridays from April 19, 2024  to May 24, 2024; 6:30PM to 8:30PM

Tuesday Morning Bible Study will begin a 10-week study of the book of Romans on April 16, meeting from 9:30 - 11 am in the church library.


A Volunteer Opportunity: The Outreach and Hospitality Team is looking for some volunteers to make follow-up phone contact with Sunday morning guests and visitors. A script to guide conversation will be provided  and the time commitment is just a few hours on Sunday afternoon. If this seems like the perfect fit for you, please let Pastor Matt know you are available. 


Save this Date: Saturday, June 22, 2024 for a special church-wide community service project. As part of our 150th Celebration Year, we will be needing volunteers to give their time and energy to food collection at King Soopers to benefit the food pantry at Help and Hope. A sign-up sheet and more specific details will be available in May for those who wish 1) to collect food from shoppers at King Supers, 2) to transport food collections throughout the day to Help and Hope, OR 3) to help sort and stock the shelves at Help and Hope. With “many hands making light work,” volunteers need only put in a two-hour shift.  Chairperson Phyllis Tumey ( will graciously answer an questions you may have.


Adult Discipleship Opportunity: Be a VIPP (Very Important Point Person)

Volunteers are needed to organize social and educational events such as outdoor activities, museum trips, and concerts. Interested individuals can sign up at the Welcome Center to become a VIPP for one activity.


Stewardship Month

In April we will be handing out our Stewardship Commitment Cards. This will help us plan for our 2023-2024 Program Year.  Commitment Sunday will be April 28th 

Prison Backpack Ministry

On Sunday, April 14th, there will be an opportunity for our Church family to participate in our backpack ministry program.  Our backpack ministry program responds to Christ’s concern for prisoners (Matthew 25: 36, 39, 43).  At this time, our Church is the only organization that provides backpacks to indigent men and women being released from the Douglas County Detention Center.

Prison ministry goes back to the beginning of Methodism. Eight years before John Wesley’s heart-warming experience of God’s grace on Aldersgate Street, he had already begun practicing acts of mercy as an essential part of faith.  One of his acts of mercy was to visit prison five days a week.

When Mike Vitek informed Kenny Teague, Minister at the Douglas County Sheriff Detention Center, that our Church was going to do our Backpack Ministry again this year, he asked Mike to thank the members for this ministry and to let them know how much the Detention Center staff appreciate it.  After consultation with Kenny, we want to provide 48 backpacks (36 for men and 12 for women).  

We purchase the backpacks and then fill them with a wide variety of personal items, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, socks, towel/washcloth, razor, socks, wallet, and other personal items.  There is also devotional material in each backpack to help these men and women get their life on track with spiritual help.

Please stop by the table in the narthex and choose a card listing an item or items to be purchased or give a cash donation for the purchase of the backpacks and/or the needed supplies and toiletries.  

The supplies for the backpacks need to be returned to the Church by Sunday, May 5th.


History Night on April 17 at 6:30 p.m. promises an interesting evening of data and narratives about the history of Methodists in Colorado, and the people who settled in Douglas County and Castle Rock Save the date and invite a friend to join us.


Church Photos: If you have any photos to share about church events —  small group dinners or lunches, mission activities, musicians, worship services, etc., please send them digitally to Rev. Matt. (


WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY RETREAT May 3-5, 2024 Sign-ups are now available at the Welcome Center for this year’s Women’s Spirituality Retreat, When Change Comes Knocking at the Door. The cost is $140 which includes 2 nights lodging and 5 meals. The retreat will begin with dinner on Friday evening and conclude after worship on Sunday. Led by Revs. Sarah and Brenda, the retreat will be held at Ponderosa Retreat Center in Larkspur.


New Member Class:  Are you new to the United Methodist Church, Our Church, or want a refresher? Pastor Matt will host a four-week gathering Starting April 7th at 6 p.m. That will look at our history, our theology, our discipleship, and other things. If you are interested there will be a sign-up up sheet at the Welcome desk.

Significant Events in the Methodist Church:

This year is crucial for the United Methodist Church, with three major meetings ahead. I will host a gathering on April 21st at 2 p.m. to pray and discuss the upcoming events.


Here are the key dates:

Last week there was a nice hour-long webinar about the General Conference can be found here:

Paul's Mystery Ship

The Church has done a great job of supporting Paul’s Mystery Ship over the past years. Here are some events to take note of. 

  • "Charity of the Month of April" @ 105 W. Brewing Company

  • Picklepalooza Rally Against ALS: Pickleball Tournament Sat., June 8th from 7-1 p.m.

  • September 22, 2024 @ 1:30 p.m. Walk starts/Ends @ 105 W. Brewing Co.

for more info about Paul’s Mystery Ship  go to

For Prayer Requests go to:

The Current newsletter is up on the website at

This week's Quotes and Scripture

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism.” Ephesians 4:1-32 ESV


“Whether we know it or not, we see it or not, other see Easter through our eyes. We can help set captive free, heal the wounded, and welcome the outcast. We can help people find, peace, live with integrity, and fulfill their dreams. We can walk with those who are lost and help them find their way home. We may feel we’ve been asked to play a small part in the great drum of God‘s work in the world. But we should give an Oscar-worthy performance with all the joy and enthusiasm it demands. We have been given the key that unlocks a happy ending for those we love those we influence and ourselves: new  life in Christ.” Rob Burkhart, On the Road to the Cross.


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